
There are four types of Serissa, all very good candidates for bonsai training:

Snowrose – dark green leaves, produces tiny white flowers during the growing season
Variegated Serissa – fastest growing of the Serissas, leaves are edged in white
Kyoto Serissa – compact leaves and pink flowers
Exposed Root Serissa – a variety that lends itself to tall exposed roots, often wrapped around a rock


tillandsia air plant

Most Popular Types

The most readilly available are the green Tree of a Thousand Stars and variegated varieties.


Serissa does best in morning sun and afternoon shade. It does not like changes in lighting. In winter, plan to keep it in 55°F with bright lighting.


Serissa prefers 50-68°F temperatures. It dislikes changes in light, so be sure to move it indoors gradually as the nights become cooler. If possible, keep the Serissa at 55°F in a bright spot during the winter.


Serissa should be kept evenly moist.


Non-toxic to humans or pets


The variegated Serissa japonica is the fastest growing of the varieties. All varieites typically grow to 2-4 ft high in their native environment, making them ideal for bonsai training.


Sub-tropical woodlands and wet areas of India, China, and Japan.


In the spring, you can take a cutting from the hardwood, rather than new growth.


Winter dormant

Workshops at Growing Hobby

Workshop schedule set for after work hours and on Sunday afternoons. We now have central heating and air to make you more comfortable while you shop and attend workshops.