
Senecio varieties are some of the most enjoyable succulents to collect! Strings of pearls, dolphins, bananas, watermelon, fish hooks…

Once established, Senecio is extremely drought-tolerant and low maintenance.

senecio bartertonicus lemon bean bush

Most Popular Types

String of Pearls (Senecio rowleyanus), String of Dolphins (S. peregrinus), String of bananas (S, radicans), pickle cactus (S. stapeliiformis), vertical leaf Senecio (S. crassissimus)


In hot climates, indirect light is recommended. In cooler climates, full sun. When bringing Senecio indoors for winter, place in a sunny location.


Senecio can tolerate temperatures to 33°F for short periods of time.


Water only when the soil is completely dry.


Toxic to humans and pets


Senecio, particularly the strings varieties, can reach 6 ft in length. White blossoms may appear in the fall.


South Africa


Propagation by rooting cuttings between autumn and spring. Let cutting callous over for a few days. Then place on top of soil, and water when roots begin to develop.


Summer dormant

Workshops at Growing Hobby

Workshop schedule set for after work hours and on Sunday afternoons. We now have central heating and air to make you more comfortable while you shop and attend workshops.