Schlumbergera | Holiday Cactus

Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter cacti prefer to be treated as tropical plants, as they come from the Brazilian rainforest.

Check our care sheet for how to get blooms during the holidays.

pink Schlumbergera holiday cactus

Most Popular Types

Also known as zygocactus, there are three main types of Schlumbergera (holiday cactus):

  • Thanksgiving – look for points on each leaf segment. Has bell-shaped drooping flowers.
  • Christmas – similar flowers to the Thanksgiving variety, but with rounded leaf segments.
  • Easter – similar rounded leaves to the Christmas variety, but with star-shaped blooms.


bright, indirect sunlight


It’s ok to leave your holiday cactus outside in the shade during the summer, but bring it inside before temps drop to 50° F.


Soak well and let dry between waterings. If the plant has become wilted from lack of water, you can place it in a tub of water for a day, but don’t do this on a regular basis.


non-toxic to humans or pets


In their native habitat, these plants are epiphytes, attaching to tree limbs in tropical rainforests. Schlumbergera tends to drape over time. Hanging baskets really show off the flowers which grow at the ends of the leaves. Our care sheet provides more info on helping them to bloom.


rainforests of Central and South America, particularly Brazil.


Holiday cactus can be propagated through separating of roots, or from leaves. We have found that leaving the leaves upright in 1/4 inch of distilled water promoted root growth. It is also possible to plant the leaves directly into moist soil.


It’s easy to force Schlumbergera into dormancy so that the plant flowers at the appropriate time. See our care sheet for instructions on blooming.

Workshops at Growing Hobby

Workshop schedule set for after work hours and on Sunday afternoons. We now have central heating and air to make you more comfortable while you shop and attend workshops.