Prayer Plant

Maranta and Calathea

Prayer plants roll up their leaves in the evening and unfurl them in the morning light. Maranta and Calathea are both known as prayer plants and have similar needs.

Macro of a Maranta prayer plant's leaf

Most Popular Types

Maranta leuconeura tricolor has striking lime, dark green, and red foliage. Calathea ornata has deep green leaves and pink stripes, and Calathea orbifolia has subtle silver green striped leaves.


Filtered light or partial shade


These plants should stay within 70 to 85°F. They cannot tolerate temps below 60°F. Most are grown as house plants.


Water regularly to maintain moist but not soggy soil. Humidity trays, humidifiers, or frequent misting will keep the recommended humidity level of 50%. Water with room temperature or warm water.

Browning or withering leaves show a need for more watering.

Yellow leaves may be caused by chlorine or fluoride in the water. This can be resolved by watering with distilled or rain water, or by leaving tap water out for 24 hours before using.


Non-toxic for humans and pets


Oblong leaves with colorful stripes. Calathea grow to full size within one year, up to 2 ft in height, while Maranta may take a few years. Blooms in late spring or summer. There is no need to prune or trim, but you can remove leaves as they die off naturally. Repot every 2-3 years to keep from being rootbound.


Central and South America


Root division if the plant is more than 2 years old. Water the plant the day before separating the roots to divide the plant.


Winter dormant. During this time, provide the plants with bright indirect light to maintain growth.

Workshops at Growing Hobby

Workshop schedule set for after work hours and on Sunday afternoons. We now have central heating and air to make you more comfortable while you shop and attend workshops.