Moon Cactus
Moon Cactus, or Gymnocalycium, are brightly colored, eye-catching, cacti. Since the toppers are grafted onto dragonfruit cactus, you’ll water them more often, as you would a tropical cactus.

Most Popular Types
These fun cacti come in pink, red, orange, and purple. We’ve even seen some that look like they’ve been tie-dyed!
Full sun
The dragonfruit can withstand temperatures down to 33°F, but only for short periods of time.
For gymnocalycium in its natural state, water only when the soil has been completely dry for a week or so. For the grafted varieties (colorful balls on top of green dragonfruit cactus stems), water every 2-3 weeks.
Non-toxic to people and pets.
In nature, gymnocalycium is earth-toned. These colorful toppers are mutant hybrids lacking chlorophyll, needing to be grafted on dragonfruit segments to receive nutrients.
Paraguay and Argentina
You’ll see offsets growing from the colorful ball topper. These offsets will not survive if removed, unless they are grafted onto a base plant. If the base plant grows additional limbs, it’s best to remove them and grow them into a separate plants – or use them as base plants.
Winter dormant
Workshops at Growing Hobby
Workshop schedule set for after work hours and on Sunday afternoons. We now have central heating and air to make you more comfortable while you shop and attend workshops.