
The Shimpaku juniper, its relative the Sargent juniper, and the Nana variety of dwarf juniper are standard choices for bonsai training.

tillandsia air plant

Most Popular Types

Shimpaku, Sargent, and Nana Juniper


Juniper can take full sun.


Juniper is winter hardy and can be left outdoors throughout the year. It does not do well indoors for prolonged periods of time. Cover the tree if temps dip below 15°F.


Keep juniper bonsai consistently moist.


Juniper berries are poisonous, some more than others. Just because birds can eat them, doesn’t mean we or our pets should.


Choosing a dwarf variety of juniper makes bonsai training much easier. While the largest juniper measures over 100 ft tall, the varieties we recommend stay in the 2 ft range.


North America, Europe, northern Asia and Japan


Juniper is most easily propagated by cuttings. Once the limb is cut, remove a bit of the stem bark and plant in standard potting soil. Keep in a sunny location at approximatey 70°F with high humidity and moist soil.


Juniper slows in growth during the winter.

Workshops at Growing Hobby

Workshop schedule set for after work hours and on Sunday afternoons. We now have central heating and air to make you more comfortable while you shop and attend workshops.