
Brightly striped Cryptanthus, or Earth Star, is a genus of terrestrial Bromeliad. Unlike other Bromeliads, it is not an epiphyte. There are more than 1200 varieties.

tillandsia air plant

Most Popular Types

Cryptanthus bivittatus has two stripes down its leaves, often brightly colored.


Cryptanthus cannot tolerate too much direct sunlight, however, without adequate sunlight the brilliant leaf colors will fade.


Cryptanthus thrives in a 60-85°F humid environment. It can survive temperatures above 100°F if the humidity is high.


Cryptanthus should be kept moist, but they should not be left in standing water.


Non-toxic to animals or humans.


Cryptanthus are monocarpic, blooming only once before developing offsets. Flowers are usually small and white.

Most cryptanthus grow close to the ground, approximately 3 inches in height. Others may grow as tall as 3 ft.


Rain forests of Brazil


Propagate by offsets once the pups have a central cup, a sign that they are mature enough to be repotted.


Cryptanthus are winter dormant.

Workshops at Growing Hobby

Workshop schedule set for after work hours and on Sunday afternoons. We now have central heating and air to make you more comfortable while you shop and attend workshops.