Ponytail Palms are the flirtiest succulents around. They love to sun themselves while their “hair” blows in the wind. Beaucarnea recurvata aren’t true palm trees, but succulents that store fluid in the trunk.

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Beaucarnea recurvata and Beaucarnea guatemalensis are very similr, with the recurvata having thicker leaves. You may see Pony Tail palms with full bunches of fronds attached to a stump. The trunk has been cut to promote denser foliage. Pony Tail palms with uncut trunks tend to have foliage that flows like a fountain from the center.
Pony Tail palms like full sun, but we recommend moving it slowly into direct sunlight after protecting it indoors during the winter. If the fronds take on a reddish hue, the change has been too abrupt.
Beaucarnea can handle temperatures down to 40°F. We recommend enjoying them on porches during the summer and in the home during the winter.
If kept indoors, water 1-2 times each month. If kept outside, water weekly when weather is warm.
Pony Tail palms are non-toxic to humans or pets.
Young plants have a round caudex similar to an onion as a trunk. The caudex will grow taller with age. In its native habitat, these trees can grow to 30 ft in height. When potted, it typically reaches 4 ft; the larger the pot, the more the Pony Tail palm will grow. Don’t move too quickly into a large pot, though – go in 2-3 inch increments.
After 10 or so years, the Beaucarnea may develop cream or pink plumes. Male plants have cream plumes, while females, of course, have pink plumes that produce seeds.
Beaucarnea are native to Eastern Mexico.
Pony Tail palms often produce offsets. You can decide if you’d like a tree with multiple trunks or if you’d like to take an offset for a new tree.
Pony Tail palms are winter dormant.
Workshops at Growing Hobby
Workshop schedule set for after work hours and on Sunday afternoons. We now have central heating and air to make you more comfortable while you shop and attend workshops.